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Manpage of TclDES
Section: Tcl DES/3DES Library (n)
Updated: OCTOBER 2004
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TclDES - Tcl-based Data Encryption Standard library
package require tclDES ?0.8?
::des::createKeys key
::des::keyset oper value
::des::block keyset message encrypt [mode [iv]]
::des::stream keyset message encrypt mode iv [kbits]]
::des::encrypt keyset plaintext [mode [iv [kbits]]]
::des::decrypt keyset ciphertext [mode [iv [kbits]]]
TclDES is a pure-Tcl implementation of the NIST Data Encryption Standard
(DES). The package can perform encryption and decryption using either the
standard DES algorithm or the triple-DES (3DES) algorithm. All four DES modes
are supported: Electronic Code Block (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC),
Cipher Feedback (CFB), and Output Feedback (OFB).
This source code is being made publicly available and has been registered
with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security under
export license exception TSU (Technology and Software Unrestricted) for
export out of the United States. TclDES is licensed under the same
Open Source license as Tcl (BSD). Details can be found in the TclDES
source code.
The TclDES commands are contained within the namespace ::des so
that working variables shared between the commands are isolated from the
global namespace.
- ::des::createKeys key
The ::des::createKeys command generates the 16 or 48 subkeys used
by the DES and 3DES algorithms, respectively. The input key must
be a binary string of 8 bytes in length if 16 subkeys are to be created.
The binary string must be 24 bytes in length if 48 subkeys are to be
created. The output is a list of subkeys either 16 or 24 elements in
length. An error is generated if any of the keys submitted are one of
four DES weak keys. This command is used internally by the
::des::keyset command.
- ::des::keyset oper value
The ::des::keyset command creates or destroys a keyset created
from a 64-bit DES key or a 192-bit 3DES key. The input oper is
the operation to be performed. This will be either "create" (make a
new keyset) or "destroy" (delete an existing keyset). An error is
generated if oper is not "create" or "destroy". The meaning of
the argument value depends of the operation performed. If the
argument oper is "create", then value is the 64-bit (8 bytes)
DES key or the 192-bit (24 bytes) 3DES key. (Note: The lsb of each byte
is ignored; odd parity is not required). The ::des::createKeys command
is called to generate the keyset. If the argument oper is "destroy",
then value is a handle to a keyset that was created previously. If the
argument oper is "create", then the output is a handle to the keyset
stored in the des namespace. If the argument oper is "destroy", then
nothing is returned.
- ::des::block keyset message encrypt [mode [iv]]
The ::des::block command executes the DES/3DES algorithm for the block
mode algorithms ECB and CBC. The input keyset must be a valid handle
to a DES key set created through the ::des::keyset procedure. Depending
upon the nature of the key set, either the standard DES or the 3DES
algorithm will be executed. Message is a binary string that will
either be encrypted or decrypted depending on the value of the encrypt
flag. If encryption is being performed, the length of message is
extended to an integral multiple of eight bytes. If decryption is being
performed, the length of message must be an integral multiple of eight
bytes. Encryption occurs if the encrypt flag in 1 (the default) and
decryption occurs if the flag is 0. The mode flag determines the DES
operation mode. The modes available are: 0 - Electronic Code Block (ECB,
the default), 1 - Cipher Block Chaining (CBC). If the mode selected is CBC,
the name of a variable, iv, containing a binary initialization vector
string must be supplied. The binary string must be 8 bytes in length. The
output is a binary string of the encrypted or decrypted form of message.
The length of the output string is always an integral multiple of eight. The
variable, iv, contains the feed-forward cipher block for the last
cycle of the algorithm.
- ::des::stream keyset message encrypt mode iv [kbits]
The ::des::stream command executes the DES/3DES algorithm for the
stream mode algorithms CFB and OFB. The input keyset must be a
valid handle to a DES key set created through the ::des::keyset
procedure. Depending upon the nature of the key set, either the standard DES
or the 3DES algorithm will be executed. Message is a binary string that
will either be encrypted or decrypted depending on the value of the
encrypt flag. Encryption occurs if the encrypt flag in 1 (the
default) and decryption occurs if the flag is 0. The mode flag determines
the DES operation mode. The modes available are: 0 - Output Feedback and 1 -
Cipher Feedback. iv is the name of a variable containing an
initialization vector string used to initialize the algorithm. The binary
string must be 8 bytes in length. The kbits parameter states the number
of bits per data unit processed by the algorithm.(the default is 64). The
output is a binary string of the encrypted or decrypted form of message.
The length of the output string will be equal to the length of the input
string. The variable, iv, contains the feedback block for the last cycle
of the algorithm. Note: A copy of the initial value of the initialization
vector used for encryption must be retained in order to decrypt the message
later. Subsequent calls with new message fragments should use the same
initialization vector variable used in the first call.
- ::des::encrypt keyset plaintext [mode [iv [kbits]]]
The ::des::encrypt command is an encryption-only wrapper for the
::des::block and ::des::stream commands. The inputs keyset,
iv, and kbits, are defined as described in the ::des::block
and ::des::stream commands. The input plaintext is a binary string
to be encrypted. The value of mode can be ecb (the default), cbc, ofb,
and cfb. The output is a binary string of the encrypted form of
- ::des::decrypt keyset ciphertext [mode [iv [kbits]]]
The ::des::decrypt command is a decryption-only wrapper for the
::des::block and ::des::stream commands. The inputs keyset,
iv, and kbits, are defined as described in the ::des::block
and ::des::stream commands. The input ciphertext is a binary
string to be decrypted. The value of mode can be ecb (the default), cbc,
ofb, and cfb. The output is a binary string of the decrypted form of
- Stream Mode Message Size Restriction
Due to the nature of the OFB and CFB modes of DES/3DES, the message/cipher data
is considered to be a stream of bits, not blocks of bytes. Since data is
normally packed into 8-bit bytes, message fragments processed by ::des::stream
must be an integral number of bytes. The value of kbits forces a
message fragment to also satisfy the requirement that its length be an integral
multiple of kbits in length. The table below lists the minimum length of
a message for a given size of kbits:
kbits size message size kbits size message size
1 bit 1 byte 33 bits 165 bytes
2 bits 1 byte 34 bits 170 bytes
3 bits 3 bytes 35 bits 175 bytes
4 bits 1 byte 36 bits 180 bytes
5 bits 5 bytes 37 bits 185 bytes
6 bits 6 bytes 38 bits 190 bytes
7 bits 7 bytes 39 bits 195 bytes
8 bits 1 byte 40 bits 5 bytes
9 bits 18 bytes 41 bits 246 bytes
10 bits 20 bytes 42 bits 252 bytes
11 bits 22 bytes 43 bits 258 bytes
12 bits 24 bytes 44 bits 264 bytes
13 bits 26 bytes 45 bits 270 bytes
14 bits 28 bytes 46 bits 276 bytes
15 bits 30 bytes 47 bits 282 bytes
16 bits 2 bytes 48 bits 6 bytes
17 bits 51 bytes 49 bits 343 bytes
18 bits 54 bytes 50 bits 350 bytes
19 bits 57 bytes 51 bits 357 bytes
20 bits 60 bytes 52 bits 364 bytes
21 bits 63 bytes 53 bits 371 bytes
22 bits 66 bytes 54 bits 378 bytes
23 bits 69 bytes 55 bits 385 bytes
24 bits 3 bytes 56 bits 7 bytes
25 bits 100 bytes 57 bits 456 bytes
26 bits 104 bytes 58 bits 464 bytes
27 bits 108 bytes 59 bits 472 bytes
28 bits 112 bytes 60 bits 480 bytes
29 bits 116 bytes 61 bits 488 bytes
30 bits 120 bytes 62 bits 496 bytes
31 bits 124 bytes 63 bits 504 bytes
32 bits 4 bytes 64 bits 8 bytes
Note that the actual message length can be an integral multiple of the
corresponding message lengths stated above.
Mac A. Cody <maccody at comcast dot net>
DES, 3DES, Tcl, package
This document was created by
using the manual pages.
Time: 03:03:45 GMT, October 26, 2004